So I made it to Binghamton very late on Monday night after driving through a wicked lake effect snow storm that started in Cleveland and did not abate until I was just west of Elmira. Most of the way I was averaging 25mph in 70mph speed zones.
Some routine business took up most of Tuesday and I spent yesterday visiting with family while eyeing the weather forecast. Although I had hoped to be on the road back to Florida today, it now looks like I will be sitting here through Saturday. My projected driving route runs right down the East Coast/I-95 corridor, which is, of course, about to get blasted with a once every 5-10 years blizzard in the Middle Atlantic states.
Washington DC, which was paralyzed yesterday and last night by an inch of snow, is expecting between 12 and 30+ inches over the next few days.
Thanks, but I will pass.
People in Ohio and New York understand winter weather, know how to drive when you can't see asphalt through all the snow and slush, and the roads are serviced by a fleet of snow plows and salt/sand trucks. Once you get south of Pennsylvania all of that goes away.
So yeah. I am going to wait until Sunday before even thinking of heading south. Why do I feel like the star of "Escape from New York II?"
Christ’s Regard for Philanthropy
8 hours ago
Where in Florida are you heading to? If you are heading to South Florida (tri-county area), I recommend you stop by the OCA cathedral down here.
It is my home parish, the place where I was baptized, where I was married and baptized my two sons, and my home away from home since 2003. It is one of the few things I'll miss when I leave here some day.
Enjoying that global warming, are you?
Oh, I'm sorry, CLIMATE change.
Enjoying that, too?
Driving in snow is a learned skill. My dad ...ever the flight instructor... taught it like anything else - by putting the car in a skid and teaching how to regain control. Not many get that training... or the opportunity matter where they live. Guess the 2-days a year that transplants harp on the virtues of their former abodes means that the other 363 days they're thankful for the better conditions and folks in locales to which they moved. Cheers!
To be a Pilgrim...
Was heartwarming to see the March for Life go ahead despite the weather, and so many young people as well!
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