Friday, February 11, 2022


War may be imminent, or it may not. But if it comes one thing is certain; thousands will be killed and wounded. And most will be Orthodox Chrisitians. 

Lord have mercy.


Archimandrite Gregory said...

Let us then contnue to pray for peace among brothers and sisters

Archimandrite Gregory said...

I suspect he is playing the west for the saps we are.

The Anti-Gnostic said...

Americans don't need to care about which group of authoritarian Slavs rules Ukraine. The country is a literal garbage-dump with net emigration, sub-replacement TFR, and a political class that steals everything that isn't nailed down. Ukrainians don't believe in Ukraine, so I'm not sure why Americans would. Actually, I am sure: all this handwringing over other country's borders is a deflection from the fact that the US government won't defend America's own cultural and territorial integrity.