Fixated as we Americans are on Canada’s three most attention-getting exports — polar vortexes, Alberta clippers and the antics of Toronto’s addled mayor — we’ve somewhat overlooked a major feature of Canada’s current relations with the United States: extreme annoyance.Read the rest here.
Last week, speaking to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Canada’s foreign minister calmly but pointedly complained that the United States owes Canada a response on the Keystone XL pipeline. “We can’t continue in this state of limbo,” he sort of complained, in what for a placid, imperturbable Canadian passes for an explosion of volcanic rage.
Our Compassionate Father
6 hours ago
Obama has definitely succeeded in making the US more sympathetic to non-allies and their concerns and interests. It is far from clear why this required alienating American allies and friends the world over. Yet that has been Obama's effect, if not policy.
Virginia has a senator who bases his policies -- ie, regarding the Keystone pipeline --on what he is going to tell kids long after he is retired? What kind of senator
is that? Far-seeing or silly?
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