His Appearing in the Liturgy
2 hours ago
is the blog of an Orthodox Christian and is published under the spiritual patronage of St. John of San Francisco. Topics likely to be discussed include matters relating to Orthodoxy as well as other religious confessions, politics, economics, social issues, current events or anything else which interests me. © 2006-2025
He won. Now they're just trying to figure out how to steal it.
I'm not overly concerned. I have confidence in the integrity of our election system. Beyond which, Trump simply isn't competent enough to steal the election.
Cities are Democrat, affirmative-action vote banks. That's who's "counting" the vote.
If only we could limit the count to real Americans, not those places where most of our population and economy resides. While the Democratic machine politics trope lives on in right wing fever dreams, given everyone acknowledges people in our growing metropolitan areas are overwhelmingly Democratic it is no evidence of fraud that there are an overwhelming number of Democratic votes there. In PA, the Republican legislature specifically delayed the count of early and absentee ballots until Election Day to specifically call into question the validity of the election process, so, again, it shouldn’t be a surprise that - unlike in FL, which released their (Biden dominant) early vote results immediately and then added (Trump dominant) same-day votes - Biden will whittle down Trump’s same-day vote totals announced earlier. Nothing points to voter fraud except what has become a quasi-religious assumption that it simply “must be” fraud, a complete multi-decade, bipartisan absence of widespread voter fraud notwithstanding.
Otherwise, I agree there should be more standardized, national election standards (including non-partisan redistributing), but what that might give Republicans in the cities and blue states (eg, MD) it takes away with rollbacks in voter suppression and red states (eg, GA).
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