For those who are new to fasting here are a few tips I have gleaned from sources I trust.
1. If you are new don't try to dive in all at once. Speak with your priest/spiritual father and get his advice.
2. With the exception noted above avoid discussing your fast or other people's. Fasting is (or at least should be) a private matter. Nothing good will come from such talk or gossip. If you find you are keeping the fast more strictly than someone else you may be tempted to the sin of pride. And worse you may cause hurt feelings or discouragement among those who are not able for whatever reason to keep it as strictly. The reverse is also true.
3. Exercise common sense. Health trumps the fasting rules. Don't overdo it. If you need to eat something, then eat. If your health precludes you from abstaining completely from somethings (dairy is tough for some people to abandon for 8 weeks without negative health issues) then do what you need to do. Again talk to your priest.
4. Don't give up. Most people will fail at times. When you fall, pick yourself up and get back on the horse.
When Does Spring Begin?
13 hours ago
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