RICHMOND, Va. — As the White House and Congressional Republicans fight in Washington over cutting a small slice of the federal budget, two United States senators held an unusual bipartisan forum here on Monday to argue that the only way to get projected deficits under control is to slow the growth of entitlement benefit programs and to raise revenue.Read the rest here.
Mark Warner, Democrat of Virginia, and Saxby Chambliss, Republican of Georgia, the leaders of a deficit-reduction effort in the Senate, said they were trying to start a national conversation.
Polls show that the public likes the idea of addressing the nation’s long-term debt problems in a general sense, but opposes many specific proposals to rein in the costs of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
The two senators told an overflow crowd of more than 200 local business leaders here on Monday that businesses would have to put “skin in the game” as all Americans sacrifice to assure the nation’s long-term solvency.
Each senator also said that both parties would have to give ground.
Christ’s Regard for Philanthropy
15 hours ago
Every time the crooks fleece us, "all Americans" are called upon to sacrifice.
"All Americans" never includes the crooks, who are just awaiting our sacrifice so they can do it all over again.
Millions of Americans were told that they would have a constant stream of payments, COLA, and medical care into their old age beginning in their 60's. The government, as it turns out, cannot keep this promise and wants to means-test, further extend the age for eligibility, cut benefits, etc. This is a bait-and-switch.
I am fine with all of that. Just pay me back what I've contributed to date, stop my deductions going forward, and I will forego claims for future benefits.
But if you're going to force my participation in an unjust, uneconomic scheme, then I want what was promised when I first started paying into it.
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