When Does Spring Begin?
15 hours ago
is the blog of an Orthodox Christian and is published under the spiritual patronage of St. John of San Francisco. Topics likely to be discussed include matters relating to Orthodoxy as well as other religious confessions, politics, economics, social issues, current events or anything else which interests me. © 2006-2025
Oh brother! Aint ecumenism grand!
"the road to hell is paved with good intentions" ...or something like that.
Gah. Saints preserve us.
I'm not surprised at the pagan and really not the Muslim (because the former will do anything and I don't put anything past the latter), but wouldn't you think that there would be some natural reservation on the part of the Jew? Sadly, I don't put anything past the Episcopalians anymore either. Ugh.
Proof of the wisdom against female presbyters. Also, the Muslims I know would be mortified by that "Muslim."
So I take it that all of you would rather prefer division, mistrust, emnity, misunderstanding, contempt and hatred than some sharing of viewpoints and a search for commonality?
If you do, then don't complain when others don't understand and don't respect you or your faith.
So I take it that all of you would rather prefer division, mistrust, emnity, misunderstanding, contempt and hatred than some sharing of viewpoints and a search for commonality?
Mutual tolerance is not an issue (at least with me). Pagan worship in an ostensibly Christian church is. I am all for live and let live. But I have no patience for those who would blur or just abandon Truth in the name of feel good kumbaya sentimentality.
I am an Orthodox Christian, not a liturgical Unitarian.
"Wide is the Gate and broad is the path that leads to destruction."
If you do, then don't complain when others don't understand and don't respect you or your faith.
Gee what did Jesus say? Something about dust from our feet, pearls before swine and Satan getting behind him. The sheep are not supposed to get along with the goats.
I too am an Orthodox Christian and will not betray my Faith.
I love that the pagan woman going on and on about "nature" appears to be about 55-years-old and has pitch-black hair.
I look forward to the days, and they are a-comin', when Christians look back on this time of "ecumenical dialogue" as something between a risible source of embarrassment and a shameful source of horror.
What "pagan" worship in a Christian church?
All I saw was a discussion.
As for identifying oneself as one of the sheep, better to have some humility.
I think it's a rather illustrative of how pitifully weak one's faith must be if it has to be constantly compared to the faith of others and supposedly shown to be superior or true.
Better not to have even shown this on this blog.
It reveals more the pride and arrogance of those claiming to be "orthodox" Christians rather than anything else.
All you saw was a discussion?
In part 6 all I HEARD was a series of touchie-feelie mini-sermons beginning with a neo-pagan and continuing downhill from there.
You obviously missed out on the entrance liturgical dance with drums preceding the hocus-pocus invocation led by a white female 'native-American' shaman in part 1 and a similar performance at the close of this conclave in part 20.
And who could forget the "Thanks & Praise" kumbaya segment (with interpretive dance) in part 5 (although, honestly, the Charismatics could teach this group a thing or two about getting jiggy with god, or in this instance, the goddess who was apparently also present at this shindig).
The weeping number, again with interpretive dance in part 11 was, well, words fail me. The same with the faux 'native-American & Sufi combo number in part 16 - two for the price of one. Yay!
Part 21 was a thinly veiled aerobics segment geared for lethargic Episcopalians while the Hindu OM harmonics in part 3 was simply mesmerizing (not) as the choir invoked the God Shiva and then spoke in tongues (I think the Pentecostals would have given 'em a B- for their effort).
In part 17 the speaker, in wrapping up the spectacle, described the event as a "spiritual spiral" - no doubt a downward spiral at that...
Part 8 was a long-winded lament by the "Earth Community" for Mother Earth, er, Gaia, er, 'the environment' - I kept waiting for -Bart, our Green uber-Patriarch, to make an appearance (I must confess to being a disciple as I too turn green when contemplating his Unholiness)...next time no doubt.
I could go on, but you get the picture. While I, as an Orthodox Christian, certainly do not consider this rather bizarre entertainment to be worship, I'm afraid that the new-age wing nuts in attendance do. To each their own, I suppose, as the world resolutely marches towards perdition.
The Episcopal religious organization's slide into heresy and apostacy has been long coming. Behold some of the fruit!
There was a time, 1920s, when Anglican faith adn practice was closer to Orthodox faith and practice. In those days Anglican priests still fasted on at least on Fridays. All were opposed to women priests. Ordination of partnered homosexuals was out-of-the question. The Book of Common Prayer was still a good prayer book - closer to Cranmer's 1545 than to the 1979 heterodox oddity.
Today TEC perishes and right-believing Anglicans, though splintered into various jurisdictions, work together and are growing in strength. Even that welcome venture is plighted by false understandings of the priesthood, as is evident by their willingness to ordain women. They have lost the catholic-minded because of it. In the end, this will weaken Anglicanism.
Let me just say as an Episcopal pries that there are those within the Episcopal Church who are worked to combat this nonsense.
It was, in part, attending Sunday Night Complines at St. Mark's in the mid 90's that brought this born and raised Pentecostal to discover the beauty of liturgical worship (I am now Orthodox). This saddens me greatly, even though I could see it coming even then. Lord, have mercy!
- dp
For those who thought the 6th video was interesting, don't miss the first one:
It determines once and for all that St. Mark's *used* to be a Christian house of worship, now it is the property of the "four directions" and the spirits invited from there. Nothing that can be even slightly mistaken for the Christian faith here. NOTHING. The way the Diocese of Olympia is handling Ann Redding is unique. A while back she became a Muslim while a cleric on staff at St. Mark's. Believe it or not, director of faith formation! She was laid off due to budget problems. After a two year wait her bishop defrocked her.
This is her second paid performance in an Episcopal church (this time in what used to be a cathedral) in that diocese since being defrocked. This thing was $20.00 a head. The Diocese of Olympia not only sponsors pagan & Muslim worship, they also allow a formally deposed person to do it *professionally* in their churches. There isn't anything you can't do in an Episcopal church. It means virtually nothing to be Anglican, it means a great deal to not be.
Mainliners are silly.
I love that the pagan woman going on and on about "nature" appears to be about 55 years old and has pitch-black hair.
ROTFLMAO! Good catch.
I understand Islam, particularly the majority Sunnis, is as diverse as Protestantism: the Wahhabi Saudis are like Baptist fundamentalists while Redding has segued from mainline Protestantism to liberal Sunni Islam (such does exist).
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