My post on the most recent evidence of the apostasy of the Episcopal Organization has been quoted on the Midwest Conservative Journal. Aside from tooting my horn I draw your attention to the response and the various comments posted, some of which are well worth a read.
A Correction: I accidentally posted the wrong link. The correct one is now up.
A Haiku of Peace
21 hours ago
And some are not worth reading. If some commentators hate SF and its administrators so much, perhaps they should get their news elsewhere. I should probably stop reading it myself, though for different reasons.
Although MCJ can be an interesting read, if for nothing other than for his attitude, some of the commentators over there are a little scary. To a lesser extent the same is true at SFIF.
There seem to be a significant number of ex-TEC folks who can't move on and keep looking back from their new home, be it one of the continuing Anglican churches or the RC, to wallow in anger over the latest TEC transgression or silliness, agonize at the perpetual non action of Rowan Williams, or revel in a bit of schadenfreude every time the yearly ASA numbers come out showing a continuing downward trend, or on the rare occasions when the TEC suffers a setback in the courts.
Hanging out too much with the SFIFers, the MCJers, or even at T-19 I don't think is all that good for one's spiritual health. Stirs up the passions if one is an ex-Anglican.
Anonymous (most recent)
...some of the commentators over there are a little scary.
Scary? A little touched maybe. But if you want scary you need to take a look at Free Republic sometime. Those people scare the $%^& out of me. It's getting harder and harder to find a post over there where there someone doesn't demand that people be shot or call for secession or whatever.
Once upon a tine I used to actually comment there (mea culpa mea culpa...). The best thing they ever did was give me the boot.
Under the mercy,
John, it was an article well worth the notice. As a former frequenter of the comments section over at T19 who has found himself in the Orthodox Church I find that your blog is my one connection to those old days. I still check in at T19 every now and then (mostly when you link an article), but haven't commented on any of the Anglican blogs in well over a year because of the policies in place that kept me from stating exactly what you've said here. And you've said it better than I could have.
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