Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Ron Paul: The most dangerous man in (and to) the Republican Party

In the wake of his second-place showing in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday night, Texas Rep. Ron Paul declared: “We are dangerous to the status quo of this country”.

He’s right. And that could be a very bad thing for a Republican party hoping to take back the White House this November....

...Should Paul decide that his cause is best championed via a third party bid for president, the impact would be disastrous for Republicans next fall.

How disastrous? Take a look at the Washington Post/ABC News poll conducted in mid-December. In it, President Obama and Romney are tied at 47 percent in a traditional two-way race. Add Paul in as a third party candidate and Obama takes 42 percent, Romney 32 percent and Paul 21 percent. That’s a pretty stark difference in potential outcomes.
Read the rest here.


Saponaria said...

Yes!! Because we know that 4 more years of Obama will be no different than voting another profligate war mongering Republican in office.

Anonymous said...

2 good articles re: Ron Paul

Anastasia Theodoridis said...

Or conversely, voting in another profligate war-mongering Republican will be no different than four more years of Obama.